
>> Saturday, April 28, 2012

recently, last rabu ari tuh aku ke keyel untuk attend forum industri by dr. johari jalil. this forum compulsory kepada student dr. hartini. 2 ari plak tuh tuang klas, sayang beteii. buttttt, fortunately, maybe worth it  pg talk nih, getting more general knowledge about how economy global today & euro crisis, alam pekerjaan in future, how to preprare in job interview and so on. penuh jgk buku nota tuh ak conteng2 informasi nyer. at least boleh la menambahkan knowledge ak yang pemalas gande 100 nak bukak suratkhabar hari hari kan.tee hee. fact that.tak tipuuuu. and Dr.johari advised us tiap kali bukak newspaper trus tatap bahagian ekonomi. perghh, mmg boleh di kire la ak tgk bahagian tuh.huhu.after this, perlu ubah, x susah pon juz a few minutes je nak bacenye pon, ekceli ak nak cite mase dalam bus nak ke keyel tuh, dapat call dr him, bile ak dgr suara him, sound like there's something good news, and him said 'guess what??' and aku mcm boleh agak kot 'about your master, right?' then 'yes'. alhamdulillah, him sangat hepi and i'm happy for you dear, aku tumpang gembira due to his dream become true. and ak agak terharu when he said thanks to me for helping him. teehee. hope you will success a bit more and more my dear.

till then 

wasalam. (=


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